Announcing Dr. Selenia di Fronso as Scientific Advisor to Som NSDR

We are thrilled to welcome Dr. Selenia di Fronso (Associate Professor of Methods and Didactics of Motor Activities at the Behavioral Imaging and Neural Dynamics Center in Chieti, Italy) as the new scientific advisor to Som NSDR. Dr. di Fronso has extensive expertise in studying non-sleep deep rest (NSDR) and related practices, and she has authored over 90 research publications on topics such as stress reduction, deep relaxation, mindfulness, guided imagery, mental health, and peak performance in athletes.

As Som’s scientific advisor, Dr. di Fronso will play a key role in shaping the app’s content, ensuring that it aligns with the latest research-backed insights and the most effective practices for stress relief and improved sleep.

Additionally, Dr. di Fronso will lead a groundbreaking research study on the effectiveness of Som’s specific NSDR protocol. This study will measure the impact of our NSDR sessions on stress, sleep, overall health, and optimal performance. Participants will use the same sessions available on the Som app, and our results will provide the first rigorous academic evaluation of the app. We’re excited to share the findings as soon as they are available, so stay tuned for updates!

Samples of Dr. di Fronso’s research


NSDR Can Boost Neuroplasticity and Enhance Learning & Memory


Beyond sleep: other NSDR benefits