Partner with Som NSDR

We’re actively seeking partnerships with forward-thinking individuals and institutions who share our vision — that improving sleep & stress resilience can be transformative to our collective well-being.

Research institutions

Som NSDR’s mobile app is the highest-quality protocol available for yoga nidrā / NSDR practice, and is an ideal candidate for any researcher interested in studying the beneficial effects of this practice through a rigorous, step-by-step system that’s already packaged in a simple, user-friendly format — simplifying recruitment and retention.

Next-generation primary care and concierge providers

Many primary care health providers are, rightly, beginning to focus on prevention and proactive care rather than reactive care only when a patient presents with a specific condition. As so-called “integrative medicine” becomes more mainstream and the medical community recognizes the significant benefits of yoga, meditation, and other such practices, a need is arising for rigorous, science-backed protocols framed in secular terms while still preserving the authenticity of ancient practices. Partner with us to bring Som NSDR to your patients or clients and you’ll be on the forefront of this important shift.


There’s already a wealth of evidence that deep, high-quality sleep is key to the productivity of your workforce. Unhealthy levels of stress, and burnout, are all too common in many jobs today and wreak havoc on the collective health of an organization. NSDR is a cost-effective, and scientifically proven method to address and alleviate these issues. Offering Som NSDR as a benefit to your employees will be one of the easiest and highest-value steps you’ll ever take in improving their well-being.

Health insurance payers

Health insurance companies and other payers in the medical system have a direct incentive to help patients and providers identify low-cost, high-impact approaches to maintaining physical and mental health. Lack of sleep and high stress are some of the most common risk factors associated with chronic and degenerative disease, which is difficult and expensive to treat. NSDR can function as an incredibly effective and low-cost lifestyle intervention to reduce the incidence of such negative health outcomes.

Let’s start the conversation.