Transform your life with Som NSDR.

The only free mobile app for interactive NSDR (non-sleep deep rest) practice.

Less stress.

Deep sleep.

Better health.

Peak performance.


sessions completed on Som


of Som users report a noticeable improvement in sleep after just 20 sessions

We believe everyone can achieve transformative states of deep sleep and relaxation.

You don’t need a guru or coach. You don’t need to spend months in silent retreat. You don’t need pills, expensive gadgets, or years of therapy. With Som, anyone can learn to access a powerful state between waking and sleep that will redefine what you believe to be possible in your life.

What’s NSDR and how does it work?

NSDR is a simple, guided audio experience that induces a unique state of deep relaxation similar to sleep. This powerful state improves stress resilience & sleep quality, and can benefit your health & performance in every aspect of your life.

An approach to sleep, wellness, and peak performance unlike any other.

When you set aside external, quick-fix solutions — and start seeing deep mental & physical relaxation as a skill anyone can learn with the right tools & training — you open the door to transformative change.

NSDR might sound new, but it’s time-tested and science-backed.

Som’s NSDR program is based on practices used for thousands of years to achieve transformative states of deep relaxation.

Over 30 scientific research studies now show benefit from these types of practices.

Interested in accessing Som’s premium features completely free? Learn more about participating in our ongoing sleep study.

Our founding story

Hi there! I’m Antoine, the founder and developer of Som. I’m a Stanford-educated engineer and I’ve suffered from severe, chronic insomnia for years without finding a solution. Som is the result of four years of research, development, and testing to create the simplest and most effective program for NSDR practice — and I’ve used it successfully to eliminate my insomnia. As I’ve continued to practice, I’ve also experienced a whole host of additional benefits to my mental and physical health.

Since then I’ve made it my mission to make this practice and its benefits available to all. 91% of users who’ve done 20 or more sessions with Som reported an improvement in their sleep quality, stress levels, or both.

Our scientific advisor

Selenia di Fronso, PhD

Associate Professor of Methods and Didactics of Motor Activities, Behavioral Imaging and Neural Dynamics Center, Chieti, Italy

Dr. di Fronso has been researching NSDR / yoga nidra and related practices for years and has published several studies on its effectiveness. She provides valuable input and guidance informed by her academic research. We are currently working together on a research study that will specifically measure the effectiveness of Som NSDR’s protocols.

Samples of Dr. di Fronso’s research