A free app for deep sleep & less stress.

98% of users report an improvement in sleep quality, a reduction in stress levels, or both after just 20 sessions with Som, the only interactive training system for NSDR.*

*98% of users who elected to respond to an optional in-app survey after 20 sessions during Som’s beta testing phase reported either “some” or “major” improvement in either their sleep, stress levels, or both.

We believe that everyone can access deep, sound, restful sleep.

Whether it’s a recent rough patch or years of chronic stress or insomnia, you can rediscover your body’s natural ability to relax and sleep deeply. You don’t need pills, therapy, or gadgets — just the right tools and training.

What’s NSDR and how does it work?

NSDR (non-sleep deep rest) is a simple, guided audio experience that trains your body & mind to self-induce states of deep relaxation and sleep. It’s not hypnosis, it’s not meditation — it’s purpose-built for sleep.

An approach to insomnia unlike any other.

When you set aside ineffective band-aid solutions and start seeing deep mental & physical relaxation as a learnable skill, you open the door to transformative change.

It might sound new, but it’s time-tested and science-backed.

Som’s NSDR program is based on practices used for thousands of years to achieve transformative states of deep relaxation.

Over 30 scientific research studies now show benefit from these types of practices.

Our founding story

Hi there! I’m Antoine, the founder and developer of Som. I’m a Stanford-educated engineer and I’ve suffered from severe, chronic insomnia for years. The NSDR practice now available to you is based on a system I designed as the first and only approach that brought me significant, lasting improvement in my sleep.

Som is a free mobile app for interactive NSDR practice. Are you ready to start your journey toward deep sleep and less stress?

Som is for you if…

  • You are ready to take transformative action towards addressing stress and/or insomnia

  • You prefer high-quality, substantive, science-backed approaches over glamor and hype

  • You’re an independent thinker who’s not taken in by cults of personality

  • You are willing to commit time for consistent NSDR practice — 15 or 20 minutes, a few times a week

  • You are more interested in deep personal growth than in “life hacks” or quick-fix shortcuts

Som may NOT be for you if…

  • You are expecting a quick fix that claims to “solve” insomnia instantly, like a sleeping pill or expensive gadget

  • You’re looking for a charismatic, ego-driven coach, “guru” or other leader figure to give you all the “right” answers

  • You are not able or willing to set aside time for regular NSDR practice, the same way you might for the gym

  • You are not interested in personal growth or self-improvement